Are Massage Guns Actually Effective?

Are Massage Guns Actually Effective?

Massage guns are used to increase muscle mobility and alleviate muscle soreness, as well as aid in muscle recovery. Health and fitness industries are seeing a rapid growth in the popularity of massage guns. What exactly do these machines do, and are they truly effective? A small device that fits in the palm of your hand may provide relief!

How Does The Massage Gun Work?

A massage gun is a small handheld device that looks like a drill and sounds like one as well. Massage guns typically come with a variety of pieces and speeds that can be used to relieve muscle pain. A variety of brands are available at prices ranging from $40 to $500.

A massage gun uses percussion (vibration) therapy. The use of a foam roller, lacrosse ball, trigger point ball, or massage can achieve the same results as a massage gun, though a massage gun may be used to target a specific area if necessary. Massage guns increase blood flow to a specific area, which can reduce inflammation and muscle tension.2 Massage guns can be used before or after a workout, depending on individual needs. Although massage guns are designed to be used by anyone, endurance athletes find them to be the most effective for relaxing tight and sore muscles after a hard workout. There will be different attachments available to target specific parts of the body with each massage gun.
5 Things You Should Know About Massage Guns | Muscle & Fitness

What Is The Effectiveness Of Massage Guns?

A study conducted on massage guns found that they can help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and improve short-term muscle length. It is common for muscle soreness to persist for 24 – 72 hours following a hard workout.2 You can reduce muscle soreness by applying a massage gun to the muscles used in the workout.

Using vibration therapy (or percussive therapy) on the plantar flexor muscles, which are also known as calf muscles, was studied by Konrad et al. After five minutes of percussive therapy on these muscles, the study found significant improvements in ankle dorsiflexion, the ability to pull the toes towards the shins. A significant improvement in available torque or power was not noted in this study either.3 This study demonstrates how Percussive Therapy can be used to improve a muscle’s short-term length.

It’s hard to find research that shows an improvement in speed or endurance, as well as torque. A massage gun can be very effective depending on what you want to accomplish when you use it. Therefore, the use of percussive therapy cannot be said to improve athletic performance directly.4 The use of massage guns is perfect for reducing muscle soreness and extending muscle length.

Physical Therapists For Pain

If you are beginning to utilize a new tool for muscle recovery, pay attention to your body. A physical therapist can help you decide whether you should use a massage gun for your pain. While massage guns are effective at improving muscle soreness, they aren’t always the best solution for serious injuries or pain. It is important to seek medical attention sooner rather than later if you notice unusual pains and aches. No prescription is required in most states to schedule a Free Assessment* at Athletico. Our team will evaluate your pain and provide recommendations for treatment. You are welcome to take a free assessment in-clinic or virtually online through our Telehealth platform.